82 research outputs found

    Precision Electron-Beam Polarimetry using Compton Scattering at 1 GeV

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    We report on the highest precision yet achieved in the measurement of the polarization of a low energy, O\mathcal{O}(1 GeV), electron beam, accomplished using a new polarimeter based on electron-photon scattering, in Hall~C at Jefferson Lab. A number of technical innovations were necessary, including a novel method for precise control of the laser polarization in a cavity and a novel diamond micro-strip detector which was able to capture most of the spectrum of scattered electrons. The data analysis technique exploited track finding, the high granularity of the detector and its large acceptance. The polarization of the 180 μ180~\muA, 1.161.16~GeV electron beam was measured with a statistical precision of <<~1\% per hour and a systematic uncertainty of 0.59\%. This exceeds the level of precision required by the \qweak experiment, a measurement of the vector weak charge of the proton. Proposed future low-energy experiments require polarization uncertainty <<~0.4\%, and this result represents an important demonstration of that possibility. This measurement is also the first use of diamond detectors for particle tracking in an experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, published in PR

    Cross Sections of the Deuteron-Proton Breakup at 130 MeV:A Probe of Three-Nucleon System Dynamics

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    Three-nucleon system dynamics can be investigated quantitatively by comparing observables calculated with the use of Faddeev equations with results of precise measurements. Proper description of the experimental data can be achieved only if the dynamical models include, in addition to the nucleon-nucleon interaction, subtle effects of suppressed degrees of freedom, effectively introduced by means of genuine three-nucleon forces. A large set of high precision, exclusive cross-section data for the (1)H(d,pp)n breakup reaction at 130 MeV contributes significantly to constrain the physical assumptions underlying the theoretical interaction models. Comparison of nearly 1,800 cross section data points with the predictions using nuclear interactions generated in various ways, allowed to establish importance of including both, the three-nucleon and the Coulomb forces to significantly improve the description of the whole data set

    Elastic proton-deuteron scattering at intermediate energies

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    Observables in elastic proton-deuteron scattering are sensitive probes of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and three-nucleon force effects. The present experimental data base for this reaction is large, but contains a large discrepancy between data sets for the differential cross section taken at 135 MeV/nucleon by two experimental research groups. This paper reviews the background of this problem and presents new data taken at KVI. Differential cross sections and analyzing powers for the 2H(p,d)p^{2}{\rm H}(\vec p,d){p} and H(d,d)p{\rm H}(\vec d,d){p} reactions at 135 MeV/nucleon and 65 MeV/nucleon, respectively, have been measured. The data differ significantly from previous measurements and consistently follow the energy dependence as expected from an interpolation of published data taken over a large range at intermediate energies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Search for Three-Nucleon Force Effects in Analyzing Powers for p→d Elastic Scattering

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    A series of measurements have been performed at KVI to obtain the vector analyzing power Ay of the 2H(p→,pd) reaction as a function of incident beam energy at energies of 120, 135, 150, and 170 MeV. For all these measurements, a range of ϑc.m. from 30° to 170° has been covered. The purpose of these investigations is to observe possible spin-dependent effects beyond two-nucleon forces. When compared to the predictions of Faddeev calculations, based on two-nucleon forces only, significant deviations are observed at all energies and at center-of-mass angles between 70° and 130°. The addition of present-day three-nucleon forces does not improve the description of the data, demonstrating the still insufficient understanding of the properties of three-nucleon systems

    Strange Quark Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Backward Angle G0 Electron Scattering Experiment

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    We have measured parity-violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton and quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering at Q^2 = 0.22 and 0.63 GeV^2. They are sensitive to strange quark contributions to currents in the nucleon, and to the nucleon axial current. The results indicate strange quark contributions of < 10% of the charge and magnetic nucleon form factors at these four-momentum transfers. We also present the first measurement of anapole moment effects in the axial current at these four-momentum transfers.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, changed references, typo, and conten